Connect With us

Dave & Taff Harvey

Dave & Taff Harvey, co-directors of the Bethel Leaders network, are joining us once again to minister over our church and our city. Don't miss out on this prophetic ministry!

Foundations class

We meet monthly to learn about theology and biblical truths that will help build our faith as we walk it out in our everyday lives and we equipped to define our faith. Shoot us a message if you are interested!

home groups

Reign City Community Groups are small communities of faith that visibly represent the Kingdom of God, where Reign City Church members and friends practically like out their faith, grow in maturity, and impact the world around them through their common life together. Our Vancouver Group and Burnaby Group meet every Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Send us a message to join a Home Group!

serving opportunities

The Reign City community is growing! We are always looking for volunteers for our ministry teams, so if you would like to serve in one of the following ministry teams, please send us a message!

  • AV Team
  • Children's Ministry
  • Worship Team